Whether at home or in groups, we have many chances to support our children in learning to see other points of view, understand differences, and develop critical thinking skills. Building these skills will foster their internal strength and help prepare them for continued learning. You can do this by nurturing the loving, secure bond you share with your children and by providing thoughtful guidance as they play and interact.

Every playtime and interaction is an opportunity to help them build these skills. How can we cultivate negotiation around space, materials and ideas? How do we make space to listen, wait, exchange, compromise and acknowledge feelings? How can we help children to see other points of view?

During play and/or interactions at home or at Playscape we can:
*Help children put words to their ideas.
*Help your child put into action the ideas of others. 
*Invite your child to include someone different from their usual friends in activities or play.
*Demonstrate belonging by including and inviting others to play and engage.
*Encourage cooperative play in spaces where children gather together.
If we tend to this complex social world of our children’s early years, we will fertilize the ground for their ability to joyfully embrace differences, leading to growth and learning.

Looking for more inspiration at home? We love this resource:

Parent-Child Relationships

