As we continue to explore our family routines, consider the idea of making some of these a family ritual. Rituals weave emotion and meaning in our lives. There are so many benefits to incorporating rituals into your home life. Rituals can create a sense of belonging for children, building an atmosphere of openness and communication. They can also help adults feel emotionally connected to the children in their care, while helping children move through a transition more smoothly.
Play & Learn at Home
Looking for ideas for creating rituals in your family? Think about different parts of your day and these short ideas:
~Morning rituals. One caregiver writes a note to the child every morning before going to work.
~Returning home rituals. One could play a favorite song to mark the transition to home or sit in a favorite chair.
~End of the day rituals. One family has a music box that they play every night at the end of the day.
~Eating rituals. Breakfast for dinner on Sunday, or Friday night pizza, Tuesday night deserts
These are just examples. Each family is so different and it’s likely that these rituals are forming already. Celebrate what you discover and name it for what it is ❣️
Resources we love:
Family Connection Rituals:
Family Rituals:
Family Rituals for Predictability: